Glutentex Emulsifier Bakery Compound

It provides softening action and improves gluten extensibility.



Glutentex is an emulsifier bakery compound that reduces 90-100% of conventional shortening and margarine, it also reduces dryness and improves volume. It provides softening action and improves gluten extensibility.


If you are using shortening at around 1-5% of flour weight, we recommend complete replacing it with Glutentex 1 is to 1. You will enjoy a bread that is not only softer but stays soft for longer aside from a little added volume. If you are using shortening at around 6% and above, you can try using just half the amount of shortening in your recipe and enjoy similar softness to your original recipe, thus having you to save on cost. You may also use 4% base on flour weight. The ideal method of using Glutentex in your bread production is to add it after the gluten has been almost fully developed (around 80%) especially for recipes with a high amount of usage
(around 8% of flour weight and above).
However, we have also tried using it in the all-in method and still had some good results.


20kg carton